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How to Choose Engaging Activities for People Living with Dementia

by Erin Barnes, Customer Success Advisor & Recreation Therapist

5 minutes read

Living with dementia or other cognitive disorders can often create moments of loneliness and isolation, and the days can begin to drag on and on. This can occur whether someone lives at home alone, with care, or in a nursing home. Finding meaningful and engaging activities for individuals experiencing these challenges is a common concern among caregivers. The Eugeria team aims to help caregivers and professionals select activities and games that are both enjoyable and appropriately challenging.

Why Engaging Activities Matter

Engaging activities are more than just a way to pass the time; they help create meaningful moments and improve overall well-being. Activities that are thoughtfully selected and adapted can significantly enhance the quality of life for individuals living with dementia.

Selecting the Right Activities

Here’s how to select activities that are both appropriate and beneficial:

  • Consider Age and Historical Context: Activities related to a person’s era are often more engaging. For example, someone might have stronger connections to the 1976 Montreal Olympics than to the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics.
  • Consider Cognitive Stages and Memory Capabilities: Tailor activities to the individual’s cognitive stage (mild, moderate, or severe). What is suitable and enjoyable can vary greatly depending on the person’s condition. For mild stages, consider activities that stimulate thinking and recall, while for severe stages, focus on sensory experiences and simple tasks.
  • Account for Physical Abilities: Ensure activities are adaptable to or do not aggravate any visual impairments or motor issues, such as tremors.
  • Assess Individual Preferences and Abilities: Identify past hobbies, interests, and favorite activities.

Our Recommendations for Engaging Activities

At Eugeria, we’ve tested and selected a range of games and activities designed for those living with dementia and other cognitive disorders. These options are not only entertaining but also aim to enhance everyday life by reducing boredom and addressing unmet needs that can lead to agitation or decreased motivation. Here are some categories of activities to consider:

  • Sensory Activities: Activities that engage the senses can be particularly soothing and enjoyable. This might include tactile experiences like touching different fabrics, smelling familiar scents, or listening to calming music.
  • Creative Activities: Engaging in arts and crafts can be very fulfilling. Simple projects like painting, coloring, or knitting can provide a sense of accomplishment and allow for creative expression.
  • Physical Activities: Gentle exercises like stretching, chair yoga, or light gardening can help maintain physical health and improve mood. These activities should be adapted to fit the individual's physical capabilities.
  • Cognitive Activities: Puzzles, memory games, and other brainteasers can help keep the mind active. These activities should be chosen based on the individual's cognitive stage to ensure they are challenging but not frustrating.
  • Social Activities: Group activities or games that encourage social interaction can be very beneficial. This might include playing cards, bingo, board games, or participating in group sing-alongs.

Tips for Adaptation

  • Modify Activities: Adjust the complexity of activities based on the cognitive stage of your loved one. For example, simpler puzzles might be more suitable for someone in the moderate stage.
  • Ensure Simplicity and Structure: Break activities into easy-to-follow steps and provide clear guidance.

Benefits of Adapted Activities

  • Reduce Boredom: Engaging activities help alleviate feelings of isolation and boredom, which can improve overall well-being.
  • Foster Self-Confidence and Fulfillment: Activities tailored to different memory and cognition levels can boost self-confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • Encourage Social Interaction: These activities facilitate quality time and interaction, enhancing relationships and promoting a higher quality of life.
  • Enable Intergenerational Engagement: Many activities provide opportunities for younger family members to participate, making it a shared experience.

While research hasn’t conclusively shown that these activities can delay memory loss, breaking the routine of daily life can still offer numerous benefits. Abilities and interests may fluctuate from day to day, so patience and flexibility can be helpful. Adapting to the evolving needs of your loved one can make activities more enjoyable and beneficial. At Eugeria, we're here to support you with expert guidance and a variety of activities designed to enhance the lives of those living with dementia.

If you have questions or are looking to discuss the best products for your loved ones or the person in your care needs get in touch with our team. If you have questions or want to discuss the best products for your loved ones or the person in your care, please reach out to our team.

Meet our author

Erin Barnes

Meet our author

Erin Barnes, a recreational therapist, is dedicated to guiding healthcare professionals and the families of seniors in selecting and utilizing products that cater to the unique needs of older adults living with dementia. With a deep understanding and passion for therapeutic recreation, Erin focuses on enhancing the quality of life for individuals through meaningful and engaging activities. Her expertise ensures that healthcare providers are equipped with the best tools available to support the well-being of those they care for. Erin uses her knowledge of the field to continually learn and walk alongside caregivers, providing quality information about the best products and services available to seniors and their caregivers, no matter what stage of life they are in.

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